The Last Suit
トーク情報- nerumaei
nerumaei ***Edit Regarding Curse Video*** Curse did an absolutely wonderful take of this thread which I thoroughly enjoyed! You can watch it here: ***Edit Regarding TradeChat*** I am well aware that TradeChat made a video version of this thread and linked it in the description. However, I am not okay with this after talking briefly with the lady who made the video in the youtube comment section of the video. To summarise my thoughts: *The fan art images sh..
- nerumaei
nerumaei ⬇⇩↓⟱⟱▼↡↓⬇⇩⇩⬇↓⟱↡⇓⇓⟱⇓⇩⇓⇩⇩⇩↡⇓⬇▼⇓↓⇓
The Last Suit: