Han Solo: Uma História Star Wa
  • bosabenina

    I hate prequels. Why? Because I love sci-fi. And most people that loves sci-fi is because they liked to let their imagination runs wild on what's possible, to explore the unexplored, to reveal the unknown, to boldly go where no man has gone before. You can't do any of that when you know the ending of the story and even if you could, you are severely hamstring by the very fact of being a prequel. There's only so many things you can change.

  • bosabenina

    Solo, inherently is at a disadvantage where the above is concern since we know how his story ends. Some people may say it's the journey that matters and not the end, if we are honest with ourselves we know that's absolute BS, it's why we have a check box for spoilers for this very review you're reading, if the journey is all that matters then spoilers doesn't matter.

  • bosabenina

    I really wished they'll stop moving backwards and start moving the franchise forward and tells new and interesting stories with potentials to go anywhere instead of these prequels obsessions they're having.