
Level 1 He’s open to everything, we get it. level 2 He just really really wants the job level 2 So is any actor when asked the hypothetical about a marvel role. This is all just irrelevant fluff, not news. level 2 Two weeks ago: "John Krasinki is cool. Would be nice to have him in the MCU" Today after a couple of John Krasinki anti hype posts: "He is overrated and begging for the job" What the hell happened? Suddenly it's cool to get on the reverse hype train? I haven't seen this sub collectively complain about an actor more than they have recently for John Krasinki and fans that want him in the MCU. We still get frequent posts about wanting Keanu Reeves and Danny Devito for a bunch of roles when they are clearly meme inspired picks, but the problem is that John Krasinki is overhyped. level 1 I'd think most directors would be open to a marvel payday level 2 I’m not a director and I’m open to a marvel payday level 1 I don't know. Quiet place was good but I think gotta see more from him as a director. Let's see how the sequel does. level 2 That's fair. High hopes but cautious level 1 Imagine Fantastic Four directed by John Krasinski and starring John Krasinski level 2 If he's down then I'm down, but maintaining a superhero physique is plenty stressful and time consuming on it's own, I'm not sure anybody taking on that and directing a big budget film like this for the first time simultaneously is good for anyone's health. That being said, it might be the only way to get him into the role and I don't doubt that after A Quiet Place he is on Marvel's directors wish list, so I'd love to see it happen. level 2 John Krasinski playing All 4 hero roles, Doom and Herbie. level 2 It's not impossible, many directors star in their own movies, then again I don't think they're the lead. level 2 And Susan Storm played by Jenna Fischer. level 2 I really, really don't want this. Krasinski has only directed one good film so far and I don't like him as Reed Richards. level 2 Honestly FF

A Quiet Place Part II