
Live Themen von 15:00 - 20:00 Uhr bei Florian Michel. Wie kühlt man Zimmer ohne Klima-Anlage? Die Umweltarena gibt Tipps. Sommerlektüre: "Songwriter“ von Chris Regez. c Here are some popular movies of the 2010s I haven't watched yet, which ones would you recommend? **Hey Sportsfans**--it's time for **Week 11** of r/baseball's Power Rankings--It began as a mistake. It was baseball season and I learned from the drunk up the hill, who did the trick every year previous, that they would hire damned near anybody to do Power Rankings, and so I went and the next thing I knew I had this Monday job on my back and was responsible for 30 voters at my leisure. What a job, I thought. Soft! Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are t..

The Dark Resurgence: A Star Wa
  • zaichibibu

    ## What this is: This is a weekly, curated listing of Kickstarter tabletop games projects that are either: - **newly posted in the past 7 days**, or - **ending in the next 7 days (starting tomorrow)** and have at least a fighting chance of being funded. All board game projects meeting those criteria will automatically be included, no need to ask. (But the occasional non-board game project may also sneak in!) Expect new lists each Sunday sometime between 12:00am and 12:00pm PST. ***** ## End..

  • zaichibibu

    (OFFER) NEW TRADERS: Battle of the Sexes, Coco, Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 9, Woody Woodpecker, The Star, Thor Ragnarok, Wonder, HUGE LIST (REQUEST) IT (2018), Wants List/Make an Offer. I've noticed that over the fast few months, every single discussion of the CinemaScore has divided the subreddit. Everyone has their own opinion as to whether we should take it into hard consideration or just throw it out the window when it comes to particular films. So, I decided to whip out the spreadsheet, look at the numbers, and see if it truly makes a difference. **First off, what is CinemaScore and how are the ratings determined?** It is a Las Vegas research firm that surveys audiences..

  • zaichibibu

    Live Themen von 15:00 - 20:00 Uhr bei Florian Michel. Wie kühlt man Zimmer ohne Klima-Anlage? Die Umweltarena gibt Tipps. Sommerlektüre: "Songwriter“ von Chris Regez. c Here are some popular movies of the 2010s I haven't watched yet, which ones would you recommend? **Hey Sportsfans**--it's time for **Week 11** of r/baseball's Power Rankings--It began as a mistake. It was baseball season and I learned from the drunk up the hill, who did the trick every year previous, that they would hire damned near anybody to do Power Rankings, and so I went and the next thing I knew I had this Monday job on my back and was responsible for 30 voters at my leisure. What a job, I thought. Soft! Every voter has their own style / system and the only voting instructions are t..

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