
The movie has a lot of life's lessons wrapped up in one movie, it shows that anyone, know matter how smart or stupid, can be a great person. In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest is that person. He gets to meet 3 presidents, play for his college football team, Join the army, Fight in Vietnam, get a medal of Honor, make a lot of money, selling shrimp, and really lived a successful life. He Got married to a childhood friend, and even had a son. His life can be admired by anyone, as he actually lived the history back then. This is what makes him successful. Most people could have lived through those times, like most of our parents, but most of our parents just lived through the times. Forest experienced it first hand.

Forrest Gump
  • wokakurei

    Forrest Gump is the compelling story of a person whose IQ is below 80 and still has a very successful life. Forrest was a kid with problems growing up, and all the kids made fun of him, until they found out how fast he could run. After that he gained some respect playing football, for his high school football team.

  • wokakurei

    That's just where the adventure begins, his long and compelling story, is one filled with drama, action, and a humorous line or moment every here or there. There are hundreds of memorable lines that come form the movie, like "Stupid is as Stupid does" or "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get." The movie starts Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, and Sally Field, whom are really great actor, who really have great chemistry together. Though one thing, Gary Sinise had earlier worked with tom Hanks on the set of the movie, Apollo 13. Sally Field is a long time actress, and delivers a great performance as forests mother, in the movie.

  • wokakurei

    The movie has a lot of life's lessons wrapped up in one movie, it shows that anyone, know matter how smart or stupid, can be a great person. In the movie Forrest Gump, Forrest is that person. He gets to meet 3 presidents, play for his college football team, Join the army, Fight in Vietnam, get a medal of Honor, make a lot of money, selling shrimp, and really lived a successful life. He Got married to a childhood friend, and even had a son. His life can be admired by anyone, as he actually lived the history back then. This is what makes him successful. Most people could have lived through those times, like most of our parents, but most of our parents just lived through the times. Forest experienced it first hand.

  • wokakurei

    Forrest (Tom Hanks) as a character had many things going for him. For one thing he was a lovable character, whom you cans really connect with. You can see all of his emotions, and all sides of his character throughout the movie. You see him happy when he First meets Jenny (Robin Wright. You seem him get angry when he Sees someone beating jenny, you see him confused in Vietnam, and you see him confused. This is part of what makes Forrest Gump, such a powerful movie The movie has backgrounds to the book Forrest Gump, by Winston Groom. Though the two have the same title, the book and the movie are like two different tales of Forrest Gump. The book has more of his life playing foot ball, and before the army, and the movie just focuses on his life as a whole. Also the book doesn't have much of forests child life as the movie does.